Home Remedies for Acidity!!

Effective Home Remedies for Acidity, Heartburn

 Max Nature Herbal, 27/03/2018, reviewed by Dr.M.Z.Khan 

Home remedies are very effective in reducing acidity by limiting the excessive secretion of acids in the stomach during digestion. Some of them are which we consume Daily such as cumin seeds, oranges, orange juice, saunf, clovesmilk, coriander, honey,  apple vinegargingerjaggerycoconut watercoriander leaves, green leafy vegetables, sprouts and others.

Acidity is a very common and irritating condition that is occurring in people of all ages nowadays. Acidity mainly caused by excessive secretion of HCL which is a powerful acid, secreted by gastric glands and is required for normal digestion of food. These recommended home remedies will help you decrease to the secretion of HCL which ultimately decreases the problem of heartburn and acid reflux. Main cause of acidity among Indian people is changing of lifestyle and adulterated food.
List of Some Home Remedies
o    Balanced Diet
o    Honey
o    Water
o    Cow’s Milk
o    Basil
o    Apple Cider Vinegar
o    Jaggery
o    Ginger
o    Mint Leaves (Pudina)
o    Aloe Vera
o    Citrus fruits-Pineapples and Oranges
o    Nuts
o    Onion
o    Fennel seeds (Saunf)
o    Ginger Juice
o    Coconut Water
o    Curd and Vegetable salad 

Balanced Diet
A Healthy Diet is very essential to keep away the acidity and Heartburn. A balanced diet contains green leafy vegetables like spinach, carrot, cabbage etc and fruits such as apple, papaya, banana, orange, guava etc.
Honey is a natural acidity reducer it not only reduces acidity but also maintain acid-base balance. Add two table spoons of honey in a glass of warm water. It will increase your metabolic rate and improve your digestion.
Drinking Water
Most Natural home remedy is water. You should drink 1 glass of water early in the morning (Luke warm recommended).It will reduce your acid content in your stomach by diluting it and is also beneficial in fat burn so it will also help you to lose weight naturally.
Basil (Holy Tulsi)
Basil is a very useful natural home remedy for treating the acidity and gas. Consume leaves of basil daily with your lunch and dinner. It is low cost but most effective home remedy for you if you are suffering from digestion problem like acidity or burning etc.
Milk is most natural and nutritious product. You should consume at least 250gm of Cow’s Milk daily. You can take one cup in the morning and one cup of milk at bedtime. Avoid processed product which may increase your acidity.
White Vinegar (Apple Cider)
Add a spoon to your salad it is a most powerful remedy to reduce heartburn and acidity when taken with meals and increases the metabolic rate. It is highly recommended to use apple cider vinegar.
Organic Jaggery
Jaggery is also good for your digestive system it reduces acidity very effectively. You should consume jaggery in small amounts. Jaggery has also antihistamine properties. Jaggery also strengthens intestines due presence of magnesium in it.
Ginger Roots
Ginger is a most powerful and natural remedy which can be used on daily bases. It can reduce acidity and gastritis effectively and instantly. In India it is used in cooking frequently.
Mint Leaves (Pudina)
Just add 2-3 leaves of Mint to your salad to calm your stomach instantly and effectively. You can also try mint juice it is a good option.
Aloe Vera
The Aloe Vera plant is an antioxidant it can also be used for treating acidity at Home. It is also good for skin nourishment.
Citrus fruits - Pineapples and Oranges
Citrus fruits like Pineapple and lemons, lemon juice, orange are also known for their antacid properties, they are also effective in fighting against heartburn. Cucumberswatermelons, and bananas are some other fruits that should also be considered as antacids.
Five Almonds daily soaked overnight in water should be taken in early morning helps to fight against acidity and normal regulation of digestive function.
Only smell of onion is not good but all other properties are very effective and beneficial. It is most common and daily used home remedy in Indian households.
Anise Seeds or Saunf
Anise seed formula- A glass of boiled water add 1 tea spoon of anise seeds allow it to cool and drink after meals to improve your digestion. To increase its effectiveness you add one tea spoon of honey when it is Luke warm.
Ginger Juice
It can reduce secretion of acids effectively from your stomach glands ultimately treats your acidity problem.
Tip- One Table spoon of ginger juice + Jeera + Black salt (Kaala namak)
Raw garlic is a powerful remedy for acidity. It can be eaten on an empty stomach .Take two clove of raw garlic, Peel the skin and chop up and eat this with one glass of water.                                                                                                                                                             

Coconut Water
Coconut water is also helpful in restoring the normal secretion of stomach acids. Coconut water brings instant relief from acidity. Sweet coconut water aids in mucous production in the stomach which coats the stomach lining, preventing irritation from excessive acid production. Coconut water is rich in fiber, which prevents our stomach from acidity. It cools and soothes the lining of the stomach, reducing the burning sensation that accompanies heartburn.
Curd and Vegetable salad
It is also known as Raita in India. It is very easy to make and add taste your food. It is one of the oldest homemade remedy of Indian culture that protects stomach from acids. It helps in regulation of digestion.

Please seek Doctor’s advice if symptoms persist, or are severe or permanent even after complete course of home remedies you may be suffering from serious illness.


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